

Aug 28, 2023

Best Sensitive Skin Products From Amazon

This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Flexitol, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board.

The Everymom’s product selections are curated by the editorial team. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. We only recommend products we genuinely love.

You always hope that your kid inherits your more favorable qualities like your sense of humor or creativity. In my case, I seem to have passed down a much less desirable trait: dry and sensitive skin. I’ve struggled with eczema flare-ups since I was a child, so it was a real bummer to notice my kids exhibiting the same symptoms. My fellow sensitive skin people understand the struggle of finding the best products for easily irritated skin. Even more so for children and babies.

It’s so hard seeing your LO’s soft and delicate skin turn into a scabby, itchy mess. And it only gets worse once the temperature drops. It’s enough to make any parent desperately purchase twenty different creams online and pay extra for next-day delivery. However, there are other ways we can help our kid’s dry and sensitive skin and save some money while we’re at it. So, here are five sensitive skin products from Amazon that actually work:

My son was only four months old when his first eczema rash popped up and we spent so much money on countless products. Ultimately, only a topical steroid prescribed by a dermatologist helped, but it wasn’t a long-term solution for us. Thankfully, the worst of his symptoms subsided as he got older, but the dry, flaky, and itchy spots still return occasionally. However, we recently found an eczema lotion I wish I had known about earlier.

Happy Little Bodies Eczema Relief Cream is the dream product I wish every mom struggling with eczema knew about. My son just had another flare-up on the back of his legs, and I noticed a difference after just a week of using Happy Little Bodies. It went from red, flaky, and raw to significantly smoother and less itchy a few days later. By the second week, it was 90 percent improved.

I feel so much better about using this product on his flare-ups long-term because it’s made from soothing, safe ingredients and 5 percent colloidal oatmeal. It’s also clinically proven to be just as effective as 1 percent hydrocortisone, which is incredible for being just under $15 on Amazon.

You may associate a humidifier with treating congestion, but since they bring moisture back into dry air, they also help with cracked, itchy skin. Running them through winter months can help balance the humidity levels in your home and alleviate the symptoms of various skin conditions.

Skin-soothing pajamas with added natural oils are ideal for littles with sensitive skin. These Mustela Stelatopia pajamas are made from cotton and include Avocado Perseose and Sunflower Oil Distillate. The oils last for up to 20 washes so would be great for kids who have recurring flare-ups.

Most baby detergent is formulated with more gentle ingredients, but some are made specifically for kids with sensitive skin. Opt for dermatologist-tested detergents that do not include scents or dyes.

The National Eczema Society recommends using bedding that is made with 100% cotton and has low tog. The goal is to reduce the chance of overheating since sweat can exacerbate eczema symptoms. Cotton is more breathable and sweat absorbent and duvets with low-tog will help maintain an even temperature.

This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Flexitol, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everymom editorial board. We only recommend products we genuinely love.

So, here are five sensitive skin products from Amazon that actually work: